Our Mission

The Indie Game Developer Network (IGDN) is an international volunteer trade organization that supports indie game developers creating, publishing, and promoting fantastic games. The IGDN brings together a wide variety of developers–including pen and paper, card game, LARP, and board game designers–in a private environment where each and every member strives for excellence. We encourage and seek out diverse voices to join us, particularly among traditionally underrepresented segments of the larger gaming community. All game creators and professionals, including women, people of color, LGBTQIA individuals, and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


"I received the scholarship in 2023. It was instrumental in me getting my artist paid their deposit and then I was able to also afford to go to GenCon where I was able to network. The main thing that I really got out of my sponsorship was my connection with my two mentors Tristian and Doug. They have been not only kind and knowledgeable but amazing cheerleaders. I got to finally meet Tristian this past GenCon and hope to finally meet Doug one day. Honestly it was exactly what I needed at that time because it helped me believe that I was good enough for this industry."

— Krystal Norton, 2023 Metatopia Scholarship Winner


The IGDN is steadfast in its promotion of diversity both among its membership and in all facets of gaming. Gaming is not a one-size-fits-all hobby. We support inclusivity in both the products of our member companies and in the membership of our organization. We actively seek out new members from every walk to life to join our numbers.

We believe that anyone who is interested in developing gaming products outside of the mainstream publishers is an “indie” game developer. And if you also develop products for Wizards of the Coast, White Wolf, or Palladium…great! In short, if you think you’re “indie,” it’s probably good enough for us. 


Our Impact

In 2011, a couple of indie game designers started thinking how great it would be to have a online space where they could share share game design ideas, bounce business strategies off each other, and commiserate over the ups and downs of working in tabletop role-playing design.

It didn't quite work out the way they planned.

Instead, they discovered the power of collective action in an industry where small creators can feel isolated. They were able to pool their resources to buy a booth at Gen Con, the longest running gaming convention in the world, and show off their games to a bigger audience than they would have access to otherwise. And thus the new vision of the IGDN came about.

“The IGDN isn’t just for story games. It’s for all independent game designers who’d like to get more out of—and do more for—the industry, no matter the type of dice their players roll.”

Not everyone in the IGDN designs the same type of games. Some make board games, others card games. Some make both, or focus their energy on tabletop role-playing games. There are games that focus on skill tests decided by a dice roll, games that rely more heavily on narrative decisions by the players, and games that don't fit neatly in any category. Some designers hack existing systems while others create their own from scratch.

But everyone in the IGDN brings their own skills, knowledge, and outlook to make the whole stronger than they would be individually. By pooling knowledge and resources, individual members no longer had to reinvent or learn each step of the publishing world from scratch. And once that burden was shared, the members of the IGDN could look outward at the gaming community, and see how they could contribute.

“Storytelling is a universal activity, and what is gaming but telling stories together? And when you have a diverse group of storytellers, those narratives become even richer.”

Since 2014, the IGDN, Double Exposure, and supporting partners have been proud to send new game designers from diverse backgrounds to Metatopia, the game design conference, held each November in Morristown, NJ. In addition to our direct contribution, we crowdfund additional money each year to cover the costs. The scholarship covers travel, lodging, and a conference badge so that designers from underrepresented backgrounds can show off their games and make connections with industry professionals.

Several scholarship recipients have gone on to publish games, either on their own or with larger game companies. Some of these individuals include:

  • Sarah Richardson, 2014 scholarship winner, author of Velvet Glove and co-author of Bluebeard's Bride

  • Darcy Ross, 2016 scholarship winner, Monte Cook Games

  • Jefferson Kwan Lee, 2017 scholarship winner, co-designer of Turn of the Card

  • Jabari Weathers, 2018 scholarship winner and award nominated artist and designer for Harlem Unbound 2e, BFF! Best Friends Forever, and Bluebeard’s Bride: Tarot of Servants

“I enjoyed my time at Metatopia 2016 immensely. The environment, the attendees, and the support were all top-notch. Having the ability to speak with so many talented people, from all aspects of the RPG publishing industry, was an invaluable experience to have and helped me grow as a new designer.”

— J. Derrick Kapchinsky

We have come a long way, and have even further to go in the future. Interested in being a part of that? Apply today by emailing info@igdnonline.com!